Wednesday 19 June 2013

The ecclesiastical parliaments of England

1)      General Synod of the church of England
Meets every six months once in London (Church House in the precincts of Westminster Abbey and York Minster (University campus). Sets policies and ordination criteria for the Church of England.
2)  Diocesan Synods
Sets budgets for anglican churches

3)      Area Diocesan Synods (such the General Secretary of Willesdens / Wealdstone, Bishop Peter Broadbent)
To set the budgets and admission policies of schools and advise the ‘area sees’ in urban areas. Some are appointed and ex offcio and can be seen as cliques promoting one political party (EG Tories in St Pauls Cathedral, Labour in the parishes and as separate websites).
4)      Deanery Synods
Where Clergy and lay elected representatives debate the policy for the locality and the implementation (or lack thereof) of General and Diocesan Synods owing to Churches Together priorities leading to light touch on other churches.

5)      Parochial Church Councils
Set the direction and mission focus for each church or group of churches.

All (allegedly) according to the laws of the Westminster parliament as it is devolved from it since the 1920s.

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