Monday 20 May 2013

composition and function of formal and informal law

Parliamentary Law making

Types of Law
         Statute Law of Westminster and the devolved Parliaments
         Delegated guidelines to government departments
         Common Law
         Ratified European Legislation and Treaties
         International agreements and Bilateral Treaties
         Case Law of the Courts: Judicial Precedent
         Codification Statutes (eg Offences against the person act)
         Orders in Council (privy Council)

Scottish Parliament
         1997 referendum, 1998 act of parliament
         First elections 1999.
         SNP (secessionists) seek to hold referendum in 2014 based on an overall majority in the last elections to it.
         Scotland has its own legal system from pre union of parliaments, preserved in the 1707 act of Union

Welsh Parliament
         1997 referendum for secondary legislation powers
         More recent ‘ie’ vote in favour of devolution to primary law making powers
         Silk Commission on fiscal autonomy within sterling area
         Past tax fiddles with alleged oil supplies prevented by new set up.

Northern Ireland Assembly
         Northern Ireland is a successor state to the Island of Ireland Kingdom, united with Great Britain in 1801. As such Ireland had its own court structure based on county governance since Elizabeth 1st
         It had a parliament and central courts in Dublin.
         Northern Ireland was created by the Churchill-collins Irish peace treaty of the 1920s and had sectarian home rule till 1972 when Westminster assumed direct responsibility
         Anglo Irish Agreement 1986
         Good Friday Agreement 1999
         Northern Irish Assembly referendums
         Off on power sharing
         Current devolved with Sinn Fein- DUP power sharing executive
         Cross community referendums on constitutional matters such as leaving UK.
         1998, referendum, 1999 act and 2000 first elections
         Devolved policing and transport policy
         Works in conjunction with the 32 London Boroughs and the Corporation of London.
         2000-2004 and 2004-8 Ken Livingstone
         2008-2012 and 2012- Boris Johnson Mayors
         GLA has multi borough constituencies and top up region.

Channels and Man
         Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney Sark successor to William 1sts Duchy of Normandy
         Isle of Man has a parliament of its own, the Tynwald.
         Both have common citizenship with UK and liase with the Home office

Other islands
         Carribean Islands
         Under Foreign Office and British Consular assistance

Old Empire Parliaments
         Statute of Westminster Act 1931
        Irish Free State (now republic outside commonwealth see later slide)
        Canada and Newfoundland
        New Zealand
        South Africa

The Modern Parliament
         Commonwealth Secretariat

         British Council

         Council of the Isles

         Is the UK a federal democracy or devolved unitary state?
         Can EU law allow continuation of the dictum of parliamentary sovereignty?
         Is there therefore a need for a constitutional convention and renegotiation of the European Union relationship?

Privy Council
         Institution of UK state
         Also judicially of some Commonwealth states as their final court of appeal.
         Advises the crown and parliament
         Has a secretariat as part of the Royal Palaces
         ? Role of royals lower down the line of succession.

Council of State
         As ERII ages and as mentioned in Queens Speech, Prince Charles the heir apparent has formed a council of state to advise him and assist his mother in Royal Duties
         Will the Duke of Cambridge sit on this body, especially pertinent as hes soon to be a dad.
         Composition of said council of state is at present unknown to the author (no he hasn’t got a written invite).

The order, member companion and medal of empire
         Advises the dean of the chapel royal
         Writes to the great and the good and in many cases is said great and good.
         Based in St Pauls Cathedral.
         Funded through the livery companies of the City of London upon the advice of freemen of the city of london through the court of common council.
         ‘gateway honours’ for others in the system.

Military Honours
         Awarded through the crown and Mod
         Some also given to intelligence services for things such as ‘Squidgy gate’
         Some from the time of the crusades such as knights and baronets and peerages still awarded on the advice of the crown according to criteria set out by the crown appointment commission (no you can’t walk into AandE and ask for one).

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